My Newest Endevours

Well hello everyone. Finally got around to posting about the new endeavours that I’m been working on the past month. I am now making and selling ruffle scarves. They are actually quite simple to make, but they turn out beautiful and elegant in my opinion. I love them and wear them everywhere I go now. I have colors to match nearly every outfit.

Here are a few favorites……

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Okay, seriously I like them all, but it would take up too much space so will leave it at that.

You can check them all out at my new website,  I will soon be adding some of my paintings to that site also. You can find them here.

I also created a new Facebook page Gem’s Creations for all my creations, like artwork, crafts, things I sew, crochet, bake and cook.

You can also follow me on Twitter and Pinterest if you have those.

If all goes well I hope to try baking something new tomorrow, thinking something with pumpkin. Several months ago, I bought around 10 cans of pumpkin that I have no idea what I’m going to do with them, but they were on sale and I couldn’t pass them up. Still have to decide what to make, but hope it turns out delicious though.

Anyway, hope all is well in your world. Things are slowly getting back to normal in mine, but I’m having a hard time getting back to my old routines. Slowly but surely I shall though.

I’ve been dealing with migraines the past few days so it’s been a bit blah, it’s not as bad right now so hopefully tomorrow I’ll feel great again.

That’s all for now, will post about my baking if I get a chance to make something tomorrow.

See you then…..

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